ENDO is a recording device equipped with various sensors, a computer mainboard and a terabyte hard drive. The object continuously gathers data of its direct surroundings like images, sound, GPS-coordinates, temperature, humidity and air pressure.
The data flow is archived on the hard drive inside the Black Box and will never be extracted again. In the course of time the machine produces a huge pool of information whose content or usage remains unknown.
Does the record serve for any secret intentions? Could it be exploitet to act against ourselves? Is this a trap? What remains is endless speculation – about the nature of information, the construction of medial reality, the “ghost in the machine” and a potential loss of control.

 “Matter Transform Sequence” (Solo), MMII Kunstverein Mönchengladbach, Germany
“TRUST”, Dortmunder U, ISEA2010RUHR, Dortmund, Germany
“Ballroom”, ArtCologne 2010, Cologne, Germany
“BePart”, Basics Festival, Salzburg, Austria
“Uncharted: User Frames in Media Art”, SantralIstanbul museum, Turkey
“Record, Record”, Shift Electronic Arts Festival, Basel, Switzerland
“Identity”, EMAF – European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
“Node 08 – Forum for Digital Arts”, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
“CONSPIRE…”, transmediale.08, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
“UN SPACE”, Paraflows 07 – Annual Convention for Digital Arts and Cultures, CAT − Contemporary Art Tower, Vienna, Austria
175 years HfG & 10th annual HfG Open House 2007, Offenbach, Germany

Awards & Nominations
Nomination for transmediale.08 award
Nomination for “Digital Sparks Award” 2008

Photo: Angelika Haus