Pea counters and automated bureaucrats: AI and algorithms in public administration – Södertörns högskola

This seminar examines the state and potential of automated decision-making and artificial intelligence in public administration, through art, a research presentation and a panel discussion. No registration needed!

Automated decision-making with the help of algorithms and artificial intelligence has been on the agenda lately. Numerous workshops, conferences and symposia have discussed the promises and challenges of AI. The potential for increased efficiency and reaching more just decisions through AI is especially prevalent in the public sector – a domain that organizes and regulates the most important aspects of our lives such as care, education, and security. But how can the broader public be engaged in such complex questions?

We meet at Artspace (Södertörn university) to experience The installation “Erbsenzähler” introduced and contextualized by the artist Verena Friedrich. Afterwards, we move to ME452 for a research presentation on trust in automated decision-making and AI in public administration using results from a comparative survey among Swedish citizens, civil servants, and politicians, which indicates important differences between the three groups. These two activities are followed by a panel discussion.

13.00 – 13.30 ArtSpace
13.30 – 14.00 Presentation
14.00 – 15.00 Panel
15.00 – 16.00 Mingel

Anne Kaun (Södertörn University)

– Göran Hellström (Digital Strategist, Municipality of Södertälje)
– Liv Fries (PhD, Head of the planning unit at Inera)
– Maja Fjaestad (Associate Professor, former Swedish state secretary for health)
– Martin Snygg Söder (Analyst, Statskontoret) Moderator: Johan Sandén (Södertörn university)

The event is co-organized by the Hub for Digital Welfare Research, the Academy of Public Administration as well as the Digital Transformations Research Platform and is funded by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.